Some of My Top Holiday Traditions

I have to be honest, this years holiday season hasn’t felt very holiday like. Between shut downs, curfews, and being the only house on my street to put up Christmas lights, the holiday joy just seems to be lackluster. Luckily for my house, my son has maintained his level of joy and excitement. While we … Continue reading Some of My Top Holiday Traditions

Four Quick Tips to help you find your Peace while Quarantined with Kids !

Finding time to be alone when things were a little more normal in the world was already a challenge. For myself, my only real alone time was when I would leave for work. Once I came home, trying to be alone did not exist and for the most part I had missed my kids all … Continue reading Four Quick Tips to help you find your Peace while Quarantined with Kids !

How my children helped me to realize I needed to take my mental health more serious

It's 11:00 at night and surprisingly both my children are in their own beds asleep. Typical to my routine, I am up catching up on some of my normal shows. It's a Tuesday, so Greenleaf is the show of choice for me. After yet another long day of juggling, my many roles and tasks I … Continue reading How my children helped me to realize I needed to take my mental health more serious

Learning to walk with patience…What is meant will be…

Throughout my life I have found that I was always in a rush to do things before God intended for it to be done. With this comes the onset of stress, anxiety, and worry. All three of these negatives can take a physical toll on a person and affect their way of life. Patience has … Continue reading Learning to walk with patience…What is meant will be…